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5 Replies to “レギュラー5(SNKK87K1)のMod(カスタム)例です!”

  1. Thank you for sharing. The new hands are looking very good.
    Do you happen to know if/where I can get them today?
    I’d be very happy.

    1. thanks for your questions.
      These three hands are all genuine SEIKO parts, so you can buy them at any SEIKO dealer.

      1. Thanks for the quick reply.
        That sounds great. Would you maybe have a name for these hands or a part-number? Otherwise I’ll see what I can find.
        Thanks again, best regards!

        1. Hi! SEIKO part-numbers are as follows.
          Hour hand: 1FE080LABSS
          Minute hand: 2FE120LBBSS
          Second hand: 3BA135F3BA4
          ※Cut the tip of the second hand to match the length of the minute hand.
          This text uses Google’s translation system.


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