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8 Replies to “Aviator style diver pt.51”

  1. long time no see!
    This is nice! ! !
    The feeling that the dial seems to protrude a little is really nice!
    I was very inspired! ! !

    1. SHUKU's
      Thank you for your comment♪
      Ohisaa death! 🫡
      The original board had an outer border bank.、
      One protrusion on the back of the chapter、It is a type that fits into a depression and is positioned.
      Using other dials、It sticks out😅
      I'm glad I was inspired!
      beg、Good luck! !

    1. Store Manager
      It's Kuburi🙇‍♂️
      Also,In the study without air conditioning in the heat
      I got to work。
      Thanks to you、The pleasure after completion will be filled with emotion!

  2. yoohiyy's、It’s been a long time! The fact that it is made up of genuine parts is nice and cool😄
    Moreover, not only the clock, but also the background of the photo (especially the first and last photo), the atmosphere is very stylish and picturesque♪

    1. Mr. iIchi
      Long time no see 🙇‍♂️
      I received a compliment、As long as I'm happy!
      I usually pay close attention to the background composition.、I'm glad you touched on it♪

  3. yoohiyy's
    Once again, you've created a cool diver that looks like a sublimation of the genuine product.。
    I'm a recent story&I can't create anything because I'm out of ideas🤣
    I'm waiting for it to fall from the sky soon🤣

    1. Earth's
      Thank you♪
      It was quite a long tunnel for me too😅
      Imagination with conventional mods including case and material(military type)Because it was、
      I too had a fateful encounter。
      Please have a nice meeting、May it come to you🤲

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